Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Shroud of Turin

Have you heard of the shroud of Turin?  Matthew 27:59 mentions the cloth that most people believe to be what is now called 'the shroud of Turin': "Joseph took the body, wrapped it in a clean linen cloth,...".   Basically, after Jesus was crucified, Joseph of Arimathea was able to take his body, and then he wrapped it in a burial cloth, and put it in the tomb.  This burial cloth is the shroud of Turin (so some believe, but no one has conclusive evidence).  It is so called because the shroud was found in Turin, Italy.  There are tons of website dedicated to this subject, http://www.shroudstory.com/ is just one of them.  Greg Koukl had a guest speaker, Gary Habermas, on his weekly radio show this past week, and Habermas talked about the shroud, so if you want to know more, that is also a resource to use.  Here is a picture of the shroud:

My point about the shroud is this: regardless of whether it is the burial cloth of Jesus or not, it should have no effect on our faith, nor should it become an object of worship.

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