Saturday, April 2, 2011

Honour and vengeance

1 Samuel
David shows us what it really means to honour those in power.  Saul was anointed by God to be king of Israel, but he didn't follow God's ways.  Through envy, he tried to kill David a number of times.  While on the run from Saul, David had multiple opportunities to kill Saul, and yet he didn't.  He would tell his men, "This is the Lord's anointed.  Far be it from me to avenge myself on the Lord's anointed."  He allowed God to take care of Saul for him.  He said "I will not be the one to kill Saul.  When his time comes, he will die, or he will go into battle and die, but I will not be the one to kill him."
That is true reliance on God.  We are not to take vengeance into our own hands, for God is the only one who truly knows what is going on.  Giving up our supposed control over the situation results in a far better outcome, because we won't feel the guilt of having done something we would later regret, and God will ensure that the person who wronged us will pay the price.  We just have to be patient.  That's not to say that we should lie in wait and gloat when they finally are avenged.  We should ask God to change our hearts so that we are more like David - we should want to be reconciled to the other person (Saul, in David's case).

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