Saturday, April 9, 2011

A trial or a circus?

What a joke!  That's what the supposed 'trial' at the Sanhedrin was that Jesus had to go through.  I was reading in William Barclay's commentary on Mark 14:53-65 that the Jews had very specific rules about how to conduct a trial in the Sanhedrin, which is the supreme court of the Jews.  For one thing, they were supposed to meet in their own building, allow one night to pass before delivering a judgment, question the witnesses separately and take their testimony only if they all agreed.  Well, upon reading the passage in Mark, we can see that the Sanhedrin met in secret in the middle of the night, the false witnesses couldn't agree on the testimony to bring against Jesus, and the court pronounced a judgment almost instantly.  Indeed, they had really decided beforehand what verdict they would come to.
These people were so intent on calling Jesus a law-breaker and a sinner that they themselves were breaking laws to condemn him!  The truth was clearly on Jesus's side.

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