Friday, April 29, 2011

Praying in lonely places

Key verse
Philippians 1:21 -  For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.

One verse that struck me in today's reading was Luke 5:16 - "But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed."  I thought of that story in another gospel where the disciples were trying to heal a boy who was demon-possessed, but they couldn't.  Then Jesus came and healed the boy, and told his disciples "This kind can only come out by prayer."  Jesus had simply rebuked the evil spirit, and it came out.  But I believe the reason he was successful whereas his disciples weren't was because he spent a lot of time in prayer, as we can see in Luke 5:16.  Jesus was always on the 'same page' as his Father.  He knew what was going on in the spiritual world.  The disciples weren't at the same level of communion with God at that point, and so could not rebuke demons as easily as Jesus could.
I think we should follow in Jesus's example here.  How often do you pray, and how often do you do it in quiet places where you can focus?  I know I should be praying more.  Let's work on that!

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