Saturday, September 18, 2010

How do we read the bible?

Before we delve into the bible, we should understand how to approach it.  The goal of reading should be spiritual growth, gained by a better understanding of God's message to His people throughout history.  The words contained in the bible can speak to us even though they are thousands of years old.  We just have to have the right mindset.

We should keep in mind that the bible was written at specific points in history, in a specific culture, for specific people.  To get the most out of the message, we need to understand what was going on at that point in time, what the people were thinking and feeling, what the writer was thinking when he was composing his text.  The scriptures were not addressed specifically to us in our time period, but the wonder of God's message is that if we look at it appropriately, we can see what He said and did for those people in their time.  From that, we can understand how He will work for us in our time, because He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  Our God and His promises do not change.

As we progress through the reading plan, we'll all get some great practice at reading the bible critically.  I look forward to doing this with you!

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