Sunday, September 12, 2010

The real reason for this blog.

As we know, I wanted to write.  What to write about?  It's a burdensome question, and one that I didn't have an answer for for the longest time.  About a week ago or so, it came to me!  I was hoping to lead a small group this year at the church I go to, but decided I would really be too busy if I took that on, along with all the other responsibilities I have.  I have some great ideas about what I would have done, and I didn't want to give them up.  One idea was leading a group that was focused on reading through the entire Christian bible (I am a Christian) in nine months (the basic duration of the ministry year at our church).  Instead of leading an entire group of people who would be doing this, I thought I would give my reading plan a trial run on my own.  Thus, for the next nine months, starting September 19, 2010, I will be reading through the entire bible and blogging about this experience.  I figured I should start the blog up a few days early to familiarize myself with the process.

One of my friends mentioned the other day that the question he always asks before becoming involved in anything long term is "How will this look in February?"  For example, he said, if his girls wanted to get a dog, he wondered "How would that work in February, when it is freezing out and the ground is covered in snow and I have to go out and walk the dog?"

I find myself asking that very question about this endeavour: "How will this work out in February, when I'm swamped with school work, trying to maintain full time hours, volunteering at my church, skiing every weekend, and running a household?"  I must admit that the outlook doesn't look too bright at that time, but I believe that any time spent reading God's word is time well invested.  I hope you'll follow me on this journey through the bible and perhaps offer some insights of your own.  I'll post the reading plan in a few days.

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