Sunday, September 12, 2010

Up and running

Well, this blog is my first real attempt into the internet world of sharing your thoughts with anyone who stumbles across your page out of the billions that are out there. However, since I want to prove to myself and anyone else who cares to follow me that I can write and want to write, I have decided to start up this blog. Before delving into this new adventure and further, I will give a bit of history about what I intend to do with this blog and why the URL is what it is.

First off, I am interested in writing and have been since I can remember. Right now I'm recalling my days as a child in grade school, writing stories about my imaginary pet dinosaur, or stories based on stories that I'd read, or new mysteries that I made up and thought were cool, but probably weren't so genius after all. I haven't written much in the past while, however, what with university, marriage, working full time, and volunteering. Life tends to get a little busy here and there. Lately I have been thinking about what's important to me, and I realized that writing really is something I care about. I like trying to think up the best way to craft a sentence, even if it isn't always grammatical correct, though grammar and spelling are two things I am keen on getting right. If you're reading this and find a mistake, let me know and I may make corrections! Anyway, I digress. I like writing, so I thought that starting a blog would ensure that I stay on top of writing.

The funny thing is, I was always against people blogging when this new practice first came out. Typically, I'm one to avoid jumping on bandwagons. As a matter of fact, I'm still not on facebook. My thoughts are, Why bother posting thoughts on the internet for all to see? Who even cares about what I have to say? If they do care, why don't they take the time to come and talk to me? I couldn't see anybody who doesn't know me care about what I have to say. Even now I'm a little skeptical, but perhaps I'll be proven wrong. Consider this an experiment.

Now, as for why the URL is anemoi15: there are too many people in this world! One of the downfalls in not creating a blog as soon as possible is that now any cool URL is taken. Nonetheless, anemoi15 still somewhat captures what I'm hoping to do with this site. Anemoi is the Ancient Greek word for winds. This word is specifically used for the wind gods, but I'm going just for winds in general, as I don't believe that there are gods over the wind. In fact, I believe there is just one God and he's in control of the wind and everything else, but more on that at a later date. I see wind as similar to my thoughts. You can see the effects of the wind but you can't see the wind. In the same way, I and others can see the effects of what I am thinking, particularly if I end up posting about it, but you can't see into my brain and actually view my thoughts. The 15 comes in as being my favourite number, and anemoi on its own wasn't available. So there you have it,

That's that! I hope you've enjoyed the first post!

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