Saturday, October 9, 2010

He is not here... (That may sound odd, but read on!)

Key verse
 Luke 24:5-6 - "Why do you look for the living among the dead?  He is not here; he has risen!"

24:12 - Peter saw the empty graveclothes and heard from the women what they had seen, and yet still wondered what had happened to Jesus.  History gives us great clarity because I can't see how there could be any other conclusion than Jesus rising from the dead.  Living there at that time, seeing it happen before my eyes, I think resurrection could certainly be a possibility in my mind.  After all, Jesus had already done a number of miracles, including bringing the dead back to life.  Certainly knowing what I know now, if I saw something like that again, I feel like I would also believe in new life.  However, I could be overly optimistic about this, and in the shock of the moment, perhaps I would simply be utterly confused.  It's difficult to reach a sure answer on these hypothetical.
Here's a tidbit from Clarke's Commentary on a different section of this verse."Peter seeth the linen clothes lie, and the napkin that was about his head not lying with the linen clothes, but Wrapped together in a place by itself. All these circumstances prove that the thing was done leisurely; order and regularity being observed through the whole. Hurry and confusion necessarily mark every act of robbery."

11:40 - God planned something better for his people.  It's hard not to want to charge ahead and make sure we get what we want in this life.  We have got to rely on God because ultimately it is going to be God orchestrating everything anyway, and he sees everything, knows everything.  Even when it looks like we're going to lose out on something, probably like Peter felt when he saw Jesus die, before he saw the empty clothes and began wondering, even when it looks that bad, God's in control!  And we can take heart in that.

God's thoughts are higher than our thoughts.  This idea ties right in to the readings from Hebrews and Luke.  We only see a part of the picture.  When God freely pardons us, we can't see the whole thing.  When he forgives someone we don't think should be forgiven, we aren't seeing what God is seeing, and we certainly aren't thinking what he is thinking!  He is so far above us.  That's a good perspective to have, so that we can try and see the world from his point of view, at least a little bit, so that we can better understand what we're supposed to do.

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