Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Bearing fruit

Today's post is actually about yesterday's reading in John 15.  I was listening to a podcast on Stand to Reason earlier today, the show hosted by Greg Koukl.  He had an insight that I hadn't really thought of before.  You know how people will often say, "Lord, let this be all you and none of me. Take over this task and don't let me get in the way."  Well, this isn't actually the best idea because if you aren't in the way, that means you're sitting on the sidelines waiting for God to do all the work.  Instead, we should ask that whatever we do be 100% us and 100% God.  Just like Jesus was all God AND all man at the same time, God can work completely through us while we are still working completely as well.  It's like Jesus says in John 15:5 - “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."
"Apart from me you can do nothing" doesn't mean that we can't do anything ever.  If we are in Christ, we CAN do something!   Make sure that whatever you do, you give it your best, and then you can let God take care of the rest.  He'll take what you do and make it good, but you've got to do something first.

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