Thursday, December 9, 2010

Jonah in the belly of a whale

When I read the story of Jonah, I sometimes wonder if God made the Ninevites repent just to spite Jonah.  I know that's not how God works, but still.  However, I read in my bible footnotes today that the reason the Ninevites may have so quickly repented and turned to God is because they had recently experienced an eclipse, the Assyrian empire (of which they were a part) was at a super low point, and the economy/environment wasn't as stable and sure as it used to be.  When Jonah presented an option of turning to God to avoid destruction, the Ninevites were quick to do so in order to avoid any further uncertainties.

Reaching out in trust and acceptance to those we dislike is tough, but Jonah's story clearly demonstrates God's love for all, and indicates that we should follow in his footsteps, even if it is difficult.

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