Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Loving our enemies

It's interesting to see how the twelve tribes of Israel came about because two sisters were fighting over who got to sleep with their shared husband.  What a different culture!  With a more modern worldview, we can look at this story and say that it is clearly a lesson to not have two sisters marry the same man.  However, if we put ourselves in ancient Canaanite/Israelite history, we would find that this situation is more common than not.
As for Jacob being deceived by Laban, one can't feel too sorry for him, as he himself was a great deceiver (cf. Esau (twice!) and Laban's sheep).

I've often wondered what was meant by Matthew 5:48 - "Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect."  Read alone, it suggests that we need to attain perfection, not having any sin.  Read in context, "perfect" seems to suggest something a little more attainable (see the commentaries at  Jesus was just talking about loving our enemies, not just our neighbours.  Just as God loves all people, and acts with a certain wholeness and consistency, so we must also be whole, complete, and consistent in our attitude, mirroring that of God the Father as represented through Jesus.

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